St Mary In Ashford Rose Croix No 802

The Ancient and Accepted Rite (more commonly known as Rose Croix) is an independent Rite of Freemasonry, second only in worldwide membership to Craft masonry, and there is no doubt that the deep and meaningful nature of the ceremony encourages its members to lead their life with a gentle passion for all that is good and a deep sense of care and compassion for their fellow man.

It is independent in that it has its own governing body called The Supreme Council and its own headquarters building (referred to as The Grand East) in the heart of St James’s, London.  The Order consists of 33 degrees, the first three of which are not worked as they are represented by the three degrees of Craft Masonry. The fourth to the 17 th  degrees are known as the Intermediate Degrees, which include clear and close association with aspects of the Royal Arch and are conferred by name immediately before the 18th  degree ceremony commences.  

The 18th  degree, called the Rose Croix of Heredom, is what gives the Order its better known name of Rose Croix, and the imposing and impressive ritual is performed in a sincere and dignified manner.  Its symbolism is very pleasing to the candidate and all present, and entirely consistent with the life, ethos and teachings of Jesus of Nazareth.
In a series of highly mystical and heartfelt experiences, the ritual expresses the figurative passage of man through the dark vales of life to an emotional arrival at the end of his journey into the beauty of enlightenment.  It really is beautiful ritual and then, before the meeting ends, the candidate is warmly welcomed into the hearts of all present through the age-old and secular practice of breaking bread and drinking wine with his fellows.  Afterwards, at dinner, the toasts and responses are kept short and sweet so that all can enjoy the good food and good fellowship to the full.

If you enjoy beautiful ritual, treasure friendly companionship, and value the ethos of your Faith to encourage care and compassion, Rose Croix is most definitely an Order worthy of your consideration.

Why Should I Consider Joining Rose Croix?
Rose Croix is a beautiful Order, which greatly encourages a fraternal bond of compassion, care, and friendship. The ritual delivers a very wonderful experience for the candidate through a meaningful journey from darkness to light represented by the story of Jesus of Nazareth. Membership is open to Master Masons of any Faith. We encourage a mindset in the District of East Kent to always endeavour to deliver GOOD RITUAL, GOOD FELLOWSHIP, AND GOOD FOOD at every meeting of a Chapter. This ensures the enjoyment and engagement of members so that they always look forward to the next meeting.  Members Attend Because They Enjoy and
Value It.

If you are interested in joining or would like more information, please contact
Ill Bro Trevor Youens 31°


Tel: 07939 991283